To provide you with the service you’ve chosen, we need to hold certain information in regards to your account. This can be simple things such as names, email addresses and contact details – but also could include items such as HMRC references and accounting information, to ensure we can run your account efficiently for you.
Viewing your record
You can view your Client Record from your main dashboard, by selecting ‘Your Account’ on the main menu. The details we hold for you will then be displayed.
In the example above, you can see personal details which are required as part of a tax return document.
If you wish to update any information we hold for you (such as missing data or changes to current data – i.e. marital status), select the ‘update your record option’.
Updating your record
From the update screen, you can choose the relevant information which you can change online through your account.
Simply use the relevant form to update your information, and once completed, any changes will be reflected in your account.